Don’t Drop The Ball, eh, Data

Infosec is about protecting your most valuable asset – your data. Evading and staying ahead of your opponent and attacker and competition all the way! Yours truly (our CEO) is doing just that securing the ball and sprinting away out of harm’s way.

Our CEO Clinton Walker plays American Football and he knows all too well, the risks that lies ahead or those that are waiting for him on his way to achieving and scoring his goal.

Implementing and practicing and managing information security and associated threats is a game… it is all made up of multiple vectors and actors just like your team in whatever capacity you view it.  It is a collaborative approach that requires great negotiation skills, professionalism and risk taking.

Like any team, everyone is playing to win.  In this case, winning is about protecting clients’ data and evading various obstacles and curve balls hackers throw at you.

So just how do you keep that golden ball/data safe?

  1. Know your asset (data)
  2. Assess the likelihood of risks that could be associated to it
  3. Ensure that you implement controls to address any risks and or potential threats to your asset
  4. Continually review and update the risk profile of this asset
  5. Ensure that this is kept secure at all times whether it is on premise or in the cloud
  6. Know your opponent
  7. Do not get fouled or get caught out with any unnecessary penalties
  8. Build your credibility through good practice, partnership and show good governance and gamesmanship
  9. Educate and continually train your team to identify, report and mitigate gaps in the field and in any processes or in the game they play
  10. Be open to new approaches and thinking in managing risks and ensure that your data is managed securely at all times