Risks You Face

What do you see when you imagine a hacker? A lonely guy sat in a dimly lit room seeking out ways to compromise your data? Maybe once upon a time, that could have been an accurate representation. Cybercriminals have since had to develop new ways to try and out-smart businesses and technologies to their benefit. Hence, hacking is big business.

Cybercrime is a real threat and one, as a business owner, you can’t ignore. With just a little knowledge, data can be illegally accessed using simple DIY rootkit software. Don’t allow your business to fall foul of these crimes. Protect yourself today with Security Aware and rest assured your business data is in the best hands.

Targeted Attacks

The majority of attacks on companies and their systems are not random. Your defences will be assessed and a carefully choreographed strategic and tactical plan of action will be implemented to focus on you, your employees and your assets. Retail, Manufacturing, finance, insurance and real estate companies are the most common businesses that fall victim of such crime. Enhance and strengthen your protection with the services from Security Aware.

You trust your employees, as any successful business owner should. However, can you be sure that all the information they need to perform their job will stay within the company? Data theft for competitors, industrial sabotage and espionage are all very real threats; as ‘Hollywood’ as this may sound, it does happen in the real world and You trust your employees, as any successful business owner should. However, can you be sure that all the information they need to perform their job will stay within the company? Data theft for competitors, industrial sabotage and espionage are all very real threats; as ‘Hollywood’ as this may sound, it does happen in the real world and if your security defences are lacking, you could be playing a leading role. if your security defences are lacking, you could be playing a leading role.

Security flaws in the software you use is a drawback that all businesses face. A programmer cannot always foresee these vulnerabilities in their code when developing software. Cybercriminals will exploit these weaknesses to gain access to your data, but you can be one step ahead of them by deploying various security systems, controls and applicable training to ensure that your defences can withstand their attacks.
Once a problem with email systems alone, phishing has now moved on to social media platforms, mobile devices etc. A successful phishing attempt will very often lead to the total compromise of the data within your business systems. You only need to look at the recent media to see how any business can suffer the consequence of this
Never before your mobile device is of such importance to you and your business. Equally, they transmit, process and host a multitude of sensitive data that attracts Cybercriminals. Simple passwords are used for the majority of apps such as online banking and other systems which contain sensitive data. Research shows that 32% of all mobile threats are designed solely to steal information. Securing your internal systems is one thing, but if you have neglected your mobile devices, your company is left open wide to compromise.

Do you know how secure your cloud services or infrastructure is? It has been widely publicised in the media how businesses using cloud services have been compromised in recent months. Our Cloud Security Experts can help you secure and maintain your cloud services 24/7 and provide you with peace of mind and free up your time to focus on growing your business.


Web, social media, mobile and email based malware infections are multiplying by the second. Often, small businesses face a higher risk of attack due to a lack of, or poor security controls and defensive measures. If you think it won’t happen to you, think again. Your business that provides services to a big brand could be the stepping stone to infiltrating a bigger company.