Day 22 December 2024

The Inside Threat

Insider Threat…The root of all evil when temptations and unfavourable circumstances are over bearing… Time and time again ‘the Business’ gets panic in a plethora of noise about a new or reincarnated version of malware However, whilst we are caught…

Don’t Drop The Ball, eh, Data

Infosec is about protecting your most valuable asset – your data. Evading and staying ahead of your opponent and attacker and competition all the way! Yours truly (our CEO) is doing just that securing the ball and sprinting away out…

Top InfoSec Tips For Law Firm

There’s a quiet revolution taking place in the legal industry and the pace at which this is happening is gathering serious momentum. Suddenly the legal sector is having to cope and operate as a fully-fledged commercial entity and as such,…

Do you have that in XXS?

What is XXS? Cross Site Scripting is vulnerability that occurs when an Attacker injects codes/scripts into the client-facing side of a web application. They do this by inserting data in the application via an untrusted source using a web request.…